Space Clearing Downtown Houston


Seizing an opportunity when it’s naturally presented is reassuring. When the opportunity in front of you is in sync with your passion, especially in times of great need, it proves that you are on your path. Coming together with like-minded individuals to strengthen a just cause is empowering. I’d like to share a bit about my most recent experience performing a Space Clearing ceremony for balancing and healing.

This past November 15th, 2016, I had a great opportunity to go be a part of a peaceful ceremony to support the #NoDAPL Day of Action at Army Corps of Engineers movement that took place in downtown Houston, Texas. Although the crowd was relatively small, people were enthusiastic, friendly, and supportive of one another. The protest started with a blessing ceremony. One of the leading supporters representing a Native Mexican Tribe, asked those who were present if any of us could assist with the opening prayer by blessing each individual with burning sage. I immediately stepped forward to accept the rites and received a Medicine Bundle.

This sacred ritual spoke to my heart, not only because it’s a part of my own healing practice, but because my presence became a part of a greater purpose. Performing sacred ceremony was truly an honor and served as the perfect moment to step into my power to share my innate gifts with my community. There was a lot of healing and space clearing that took place here. People came together chanting, singing, playing music, holding good energy for Standing Rock.

Space Clearing is a blessing ceremony and in this monumental event, we burned sage before initiating a peaceful protest to raise awareness and support the #StandingRock, #NODAPL and #waterislife campaigns happening all around the country. Space Clearing is conducted to clear the air, transmute stagnant or low energies, maintain balance, and bring peace to the space.

Below is a short video I created with compiled footage and some of my photos from the #NoDAPL Day of Action Houston protest. Peace.





(All photos taken by Patsy Balacchi. Kindly give credit if you’d like to share.)