Slide Two
Feng Shui & Wellness
Slide Three
Tools for Harmonious Living
Slide One
Living in Harmony
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Welcome to Zenotica®


At Zenotica®, we are dedicated in harmonizing people’s lives by providing guidance and practical tools for empowerment, balance, and well-being. Our work is centered in creating spaces where individuals can heal, transform, and live in harmony with those whom they love.

Our passion for harmony, beauty, and wellness is the inspiration to be of service to you.

Our wholistic services include:


5D Feng Shui Consultations, Space Clearing, and Bach Flower Remedies.

Learn more about us.


Feng Shui

Align yourself with purpose and set the stage that supports your needs and those whom you love with a
5D Feng Shui Consultation.


Divine Feminine Immersion Retreat

Our Divine Feminine Immersion Retreat was a magnificent success!

Stay tuned for more updates about the next retreat.

“Getting to know Patsy and having her share her holistic lifestyle with my family has encouraged me greatly to find myself and recognize myself as a better human being. Her charisma, love, and the energy she transmits motivates one to be a better person. At the same time, Patsy worked along with my wife to achieve a home full of positive energy, harmony, love, wisdom, and plenty of peace.

Thank you, Patsy, through your knowledge, energy, and good vibes, you have been able to harmonize our home and our lives with Feng Shui. This has allowed us to be much happier.” ~ Jose S. Menendez | El Salvador