Patsy Balacchi

5D Feng Shui & Biophilic Design Consultant

Simply stated, my health is my wealth. That is my daily mantra and the reason why I do my work. I’m peaceful when I am in alignment with the harmony of nature and the beauty and comfort it provides.

Practicing Feng Shui and complementary life-building, holistic-healing methods is my happy center. I enjoy putting them into practice every day and sharing them with my audience and clients. It’s what I call, #GOODSHUI.

From my own experience, Feng Shui is like acupuncture for the home. If there are discordant energies or obstructions in the living space, I apply adjustments to unblock and restore energy flow. If there are areas in my life that need attention, I tune into myself to observe, evaluate, and reset. I also refer to a handy tool such as the Feng Shui bagua map. By using the bagua map, I am able to tap into specific areas of the home that need to be cared for, cleared, re-energized, and enhanced.

Everything is interconnected and the way I see it, my house is a reflection of me. Harmonizing my energy and personal space is key to sustaining balance in my life. I maintain good health by nurturing all aspects of myself: my mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and vibrational Self. In essence, it’s my reason for being and why I’m passionate to practice and to be of service to you.

I’m a Certified BTB (Black Hat Tantric Buddhism) 5D Feng Shui and Biophilic Design Consultant. I’ve been practicing Feng Shui for over 24 years. I am thrilled to combine Biophilic Design principles with Feng Shui to transform and connect the constructed environment with nature and the 5 Elements.

Feng Shui holds a powerful shifting force as it is able to “decode” and translate the healing qualities of nature and then re-creates them in the interior environment.

I welcome the opportunity to support your shifting energy, to guide you through your healing process, to harmonize, beautify, and clear your space of sluggish and uncomfortable  energy. I offer you a sensible approach, my intuitive abilities, and a compassionate, hands-on experience to help you navigate through this monumental Shift.

If you are seeking a better quality of life, yearning to reclaim your own vitality or space, or solely welcoming new opportunities for self-actualization, growth and success, I’d love to work with you. Connect with me. Visualize to Materialize! Hablo español.

Let’s plan your Feng Shui & wellness consultation.

“I am always drawn to teachers who have a passion for their work and whose passion is strongly rooted in deep skill and knowledge. This is Patsy Balacchi, Feng Shui teacher and practitioner. She shares generously, listens with both her mind and her heart, and leads you to make the changes that fit your home, or office to bring harmony and balance while optimizing potential. Patsy helped me make several significant changes in my wellness center that shifted the energy immediately. People noticed and were drawn to return. Patsy is a valuable resource and an amazing woman. Her devotion to serve and to spread peace and harmony through Feng Shui inspires and challenges others to do the same. And when you reach out to her, ask her to work some magic with her oils!!”
~ Rosa Glenn Reilly, Spectrum Center Director & Founder, Houston, TX
“I can’t think of anyone I would trust more to open this part of myself to and trust to guide me.”
~ Dr. Dava Michelson, Acupuncture Physician D.M.Q., Miami, FL

Asesoria en español.


Member of:

Biophilic Design certification