Here’s my first-ever online radio interview on All Business Media FM.

I invite you to listen to me share about Zenotica, Marconic Energy, and a bit about Feng Shui.


Zenotica was born out of an idea to create a place where individuals can transform, heal, and align with their true Essence.

Zenotica connotes to a place where you can go back to zero, as in whole, to a zen place, a serene place that is comforting, that provides a safe environment where you can set your life into Motion by re-setting, re-balancing, and re-energizing.

My passion for harmony, beauty, and wellness is my inspiration for providing guidance, support, and practical tools for empowerment, balance, and wholesome well-being for individuals, children, families, home and business owners, and their pets. I help and bring harmony and stability in people’s lives through the use of energy, color, beauty, and Light.

In my practice, I use BTB Feng Shui as well as other complementary holistic modalities such as Space Clearing, Bach Flower Therapy, Aromatherapy, and crystals. And for those individuals interested in upgrading their energy to a whole new level, I offer Marconic Energy Healing.

Marconics™ is a new multi-dimensional energy system, heralded as the evolution of Energy Healing and the Ascension in Progress.

Marconics™ helps people drop the density out of their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies by raising their energetic signature so they can thrive in the new energy.

Marconic Energy enables you to:

• Discover your Life’s Purpose
• Align with your Higher Mission
• Awaken your Intuition
• Release Self-limiting Imprints
• Reclaim Hidden Talents and Gifts
• Activate Spiritual DNA
• “Uncap” the Chakras for the New Galactic Chakra System
• Connect back to Source at the Galactic Core

Marconic Energy Healing services available:

Marconic ‘No-Touch’ Healing Sessions

These sessions can be performed in-person or remotely and can be performed as an on-going therapeutic treatment.

The purpose of a ‘No-Touch’ session is to raise your vibration so that you have an opportunity to connect into a higher aspect of yourSelf.

Marconic Quantum Recalibrations

A Marconic Recalibration is a Human Upgrade, it re-tools the three dimensional body to become multi-dimensional, able to experience, realize, and thrive in Higher Dimensions.

This one-time procedure permanently plugs you back into the Universal Matrix which powers your ability and expands your awareness, enabling you to create your new reality.

The Marconic Recalibration is only performed in-person over two consecutive days.

As a Marconics Certified Practitioner, I am assisting individuals in raising their energetic signature and support the shifting energy for themselves and others.

I have fully experienced Marconics and every experience is unique. I feel so loved, protected, illumined, and re-energized every time I connect with this energy. My experiences have been life-changing miracles and I’m grateful to be doing this work.

I invite you to experience Marconic Energy. Connect with me and schedule your next session.

We are now living very drastic times and life is changing very quickly. I am helping individuals find inner-balance by releasing mental and emotional attachments, fears, and self-limiting beliefs, reassuring them that they are not alone on their transformative journey back to Self.

In Light and in Gratitude,



upgrade your Energy with Marconics

zenotica: transform, connect, and align to the true expressions of yourSELF